The most beneficial for those suffering from eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, unknown/un diagnosed skin ailments & even bed bugs!! Neem oil is derived from the medicinal Neem Tree in India & Asia. All parts of the tree are used by the native people as they use Neem for toothcare, insecticides, medicinal & internal needs. New to my collection and very well perceived. As stated before, everyone’s skin reacts differently to different ingredients, However research has shown, Neem is truly a MUST TRY for those with above mentioned skin ailments. Neem oil has a very distinct (unlikeable to some) odor.. think garlic, peanut butter & motor oil had a baby... The addition of Tea Tree Oil helps tame the smell and helps with the medicinal wonders of this bar... If you are suffering, please don't let the smell of this bar scare you away... it's well worth it!!